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Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great

Artist Statement


I am a visual artist and photographer born in Central America. I migrated to Australia in my teenage years and now I am based in Melbourne, Victoria. Since I started my art studies I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. My practice is diverse and multidisciplinary, I work with photography, wood burning, painting, embroidery and collage. Recently I am interested in alternative processes of image making and my relationship with materiality through sculpture and installation. My work explores themes related to social, political and environmental issues. I am interested in our human relationship to nature and our impact on the environment. My intention is to create strong images that raise awareness and  highlight our individual role within society.  My latest project renders elements of personal history and cultural connection, it is a metaphorical narrative of my experience as a female migrant in Australia. Through the use of traditional materials, colours and symbols I explore the intersection of mixed identities and cultural displacement that many migrants experience when trying to assimilate a new society.

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